Virtual Spirituality


AI-Powered Spiritual Engagement Platform

Personalized Spirituality at Scale


Personalized Guidance

AI-Spiritual Agents

Belonging and Purpose

Immersive "Safe Spaces"


Learning & Exploration

Proprietary cross-faith LLM

Social Justice

Virtual vigils 

Data & Analytics

Spiritual Wellness Tracker

Pastoral Workflow

Digital ministry infrastructure


“Our spirituality looks very different than the generations before us. It doesn’t mean that we’re becoming less spiritual - perhaps less religious but definitely not less spiritual - and I think that’s something that’s hard for older generations to understand.”


- Gen Z hospital worker

“Our spirituality looks very different than the generations before us. It doesn’t mean that we’re becoming less spiritual - perhaps less religious but definitely not less spiritual - and I think that’s something that’s hard for older generations to understand.”


- Gen Z hospital worker